Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Visit us at home! www.southernextremity.com


Here we are again at blogger.com! I'd just like to cordially invite fans and passers by alike to visit us at home! www.southernextremity.com the 'home' of all things related to the band.

I've just put together a brief history, biography sort of thing explaining how SOUTHERN EXTREMITY evolved.

Southern Extremity is an extreme metal band based in Marling, Italy and was formed in 2008 by Jason Tierney (vocals, guitar) Andreas Eder (bass) and Martin Leimgruber (drums).

Since arriving in Italy mid 2003, Jason Tierney has written songs/ lyrics prolifically and continues to do so.

In 2004 he met Martin Leimgruber with whom he has co-founded projects in the genres metal, acoustic and extreme metal. Not long after meeting they formed their first band, a metal band, called Szin.

The 4 track demo cd 'In Absence of the Sun' was recorded in 2005 with the line up- Jason (vocals, guitar), Martin [(vocals, guitar) and also bass on the recording] and Harald Raich (drums).

The acoustic project 'Remnants of Tranquility' was formed in 2007 due to the accumulation of material written on the side.

In 2008 Jason and Martin finally unleashed the extreme metal storm that had been brewing over the years and decided to concentrate solely on this genre. Andreas Eder on bass guitar shares this vision and completes the line up.

October 2008 saw the recording of their first promo song 'Worlds Apart' and its immediate release on the internet. This will serve to promote the band while recording their debut album in the coming months.Stumble Upon Toolbar

Friday, November 7, 2008

Blog 2- Promo

Hi, and welcome to the 2nd blog from SOUTHERN EXTREMITY. Since recording the promo song "Worlds Apart" we've been on the promotion trail.

There are now 2 official Myspace sites, and profiles at Facebook, Reverbnation and Metalhead radio. We've also posted blogs at Blogspot, Stumbleupon and Digg.
(see below for a list of links to these sites)

Here's one of our first messages released into cyberspace-

Extreme metal!!! SOUTHERN EXTREMITY releases the blisteringly fast promo song "World's Apart" which is literally world's apart! The band's website itself is almost a trip to the dark side! Free download and lyrics at www.southernextremity.com

This basically expands upon the philosophy mentioned in our first blog, "our intention is to explore the realms of extreme metal".

...and not only musically! Lyrically the songs delve deep into the heart of the darkness of humanity and the demons we face when we get there.
In future blogs the lyrics will be discussed in greater depth.

Our explanation of the term "Extreme Metal" as it relates to us is another important factor that will take shape with our following releases. Extreme metal defines our sound better than Black metal or Death metal because we've combined what we feel are the best qualities from each of these genres into one album. We do have songs that are purely black metal but when taking the variety of all 10 songs into consideration it's impossible to categorize it into this genre.

Keep this in mind and go and listen to the song again!

Jason, Martin, Andreas.

http://www.southernextremity.com (Official website)

(1st official Myspace site)

http://www.myspace.com/southernextremity2 (2nd official Myspace site)






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